An integrative perspective, which goes beyond the scope of the area of studies, is the basis for the integral and practice-oriented training at the HSG. Students are meant to become aware of their social responsibility and should actively claim it. The organization of studies promotes critical thinking and dealing with social and environmental challenges. With almost 50% foreign lecturers and 34% foreign students from more than 80 nations, the University of St.Gallen is internationally and multi-culturally shaped. With its
AACSBaccreditation, two international hallmarks of excellence honor the integral studies. Students benefit from membership in and cooperation with international networks such as
PIM, or
APSIA. The HSG maintains partnerships with about
180 universities worldwide , which gives students the opportunity to attain double degrees or do exchange semesters in cooperation with other universities. Moreover, the HSG has two representations in
Singapore and
Sao Paolo.
Study courses at the HSG can be completed in German or English language. Since the fall semester of 2012, the assessment year (first year of studies) has been offered entirely in both languages. Afterwards, majors in business administration, economics, and international affairs can be studied in a flexible mix of both languages. When obtaining their Master’s degree, 94% of the students have gained practical experience for a minimum of 6 months, and 83% of them already have specific job offers or a permanent position.
Information concerning
assessement year,
Bachelor’s degree ,
Master’s degree und
doctorate .