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Student Track

October, 15, 2016: Submission of Contributions
December, 07, 2016: Submission of Camera-Ready Contributions

The Student Track aims at providing students the opportunity to actively engage and participate in the international conference WI 2017. Addressees are Master students from who are either interested in an IT-related position in the economic sector or doing a doctorate in information systems. The Student Track is meant to offer a platform by which students, researchers, and practitioners can meet. Students from all universities and fields of information systems are invited to submit contributions of high quality. Students who do not submit an own contribution are also invited to attend the presentations and participate in the accompanying program of the Student Track. The Student Track is meant and open for different topics related to information systems. Contributors are invited to submit papers dealing with different perspectives and the design and usage of information and communication systems within organizations.

Possible Topics for Contributions

All topics dealing with information systems are welcome, for example, business process management, business engineering, business transformation, customer relationship management, business intelligence, and data science. Possible application fields are, among others, eBusiness, eBanking, eLearning, eGovernment, and eHealth. The focus is on topics such as social media, mobile applications, as well as sustainability and green IT/IS. Both conceptual and behavior- or design-oriented contributions will be considered.

Best Student Paper Award: The Liechtenstein Chapter of the AIS will reward the best paper with a prize of 500 Euros.

Submission and Review Process

  • Students can either submit work-in-progress papers or finished theses that have not been handed in more than 10 months prior to the submission. For all types of submissions, the maximum number of pages is 12, including references.
  • Submission with advisors contributing as co-authors are welcome. In this case, the students act as lead authors and present their work at the conference. Students can also work on a collective contribution.
  • Papers can be written in either German or English. English contributions are to be presented and discussed in English at the conference.
  • All contributions have to strictly adhere to the style guidelines of the WI 2017. A template for submissions is available for download at:
  • All contributions will be reviewed (double-blind review process) by at least two members of the program committee.
  • Authors are requested to anonymize their contributions for the review process by leaving out names, addresses, etc. Other information that might lead to the identification of the author is also meant to be deleted, for example, metadata. For the review process, contributions are to be submitted as PDF file.
  • Contributions are to be submitted via the conference system only:


  • Submitted contributions will be evaluated via the regular review process of the WI 2017. Students will receive differentiated subject-specific feedback from at least two independent reviewers of the program committee.

  • Publication

    Accepted contributions will be presented in the paper session of the conference and published in the conference proceedings. Other contributions will be presented in a poster session, which is open to all conference participants. Contributions to the poster exhibition will not be published in the conference proceedings. A certificate will be issued for successful participation in the Student Track. The conference proceedings will be made available for the conference participants in electronic form (PDF/e-book). Participants can also buy a printed version of the conference proceedings at an additional charge (book on demand, detailed price information are yet to be announced). For the publication of a contribution and its inclusion in the conference program, at least one of the authors is required to have registered for the conference and paid the conference fee.

    Track Chair

    Vom Brocke
    Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke
    Universität Liechtenstein

    Operational Manager

    Dr. Bernd Schenk, Universität Liechtenstein
    Dr. Markus Weinmann, Universität Liechtenstein (Kontakt bei Fragen zu dieser Teilkonferenz)

    Program Committee

    Prof. Dr. Ulrike Baumöl, Fernuniversität Hagen, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker, Universität Münster, Deutschland
    Dr. Ulrich Bretschneider, Universität Kassel, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Buhl, Universität Augsburg, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Werner Esswein, Technische Universität Dresden, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann, Universität Bayreuth, Deutschland
    PD Dr. Hans-Georg Fill, Universität Wien, Österreich
    Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau, Universität Potsdam, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Roland Holten, Universität Frankfurt, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis, Universität Wien, Österreich
    Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Christine Legner, Université de Lausanne, Schweiz
    Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist, Universität Regensburg, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Peter Loos, Universität des Saarlandes, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier, Universität Innsbruck, Österreich
    Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes, TU München, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Kathrin Möslein, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Markus Nüttgens, Universität Hamburg, Deutschland
    Dr. Christoph Peters, Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz
    Prof. Dr. René Riedl, Universität Linz, Österreich
    Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Alfred Taudes, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich
    Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt, Technische Universität Karlsruhe, Deutschland
    Prof. Dr. Axel Winkelmann, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Deutschland

    Call for Student Papers in PDF

    Student Track - Session 1

    13.02.2017, 11:00-12:30, Raum: 01-012

    Session Chair: Jan vom Brocke

    Andreas Günther; Robin Knote: How to Design Patterns in IS Research – A State-of-the-Art Analysis

    Paper Download

    Thomas Maier; Sebastian Gronich; Ann-Katrin Rickert; Nikolaus Lipusch: Text Mining in Ideencommunities: Gestaltungsempfehlungen eines Text Mining Artefakts zur Unterstützung der Ideenevaluation

    Paper Download

    Pascal Stegmann; Marin Zec; Florian Matthes: Assessing the Potential Value of Software-Support for the Venture Creation Process

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    Andrew Cooney; Timo Zink; Julia Jonas: TOOLS FOR OPEN SERVICE DESIGN: An Analysis into Existing and Future Methodologies

    Paper Download

    Student Track - Session 2

    13.02.2017, 11:00-12:30, Raum: 01-102

    Session Chair: Markus Weinmann

    Dennis Eilers; Michael H. Breitner: : A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Visual Model Evaluation in Data Science Applications *Best Student Paper Nominee*

    Paper Download

    David Schwarz; Philipp Haas: Die Rolle von Moral Disengagement in Crowdlending

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    Aybala Ilgili; Andreas Eckhardt: Examining the role of changing organizational culture on IT employees’ commitment in M&A – Insights of a case study with a German software company *Best Student Paper Nominee*

    Paper Download

    Student Track - Session 3

    13.02.2017, 13:30-15:00, Raum: 01-012

    Session Chair: Jan vom Brocke

    Mario Porst; Sven Dittes; Stefan Smolnik: Zielgruppendilemma des gleichzeitigen stationären und Online-Handels: Eine experimentelle Studie am Beispiel des Facebook-Auftritts eines Mode-Einzelhandelsunternehmens

    Paper Download

    Theodor Beutel; Julia M. Jonas; Kathrin M. Moeslein: Co-Creation and User Involvement in a Living Lab: An Evaluation of Applied Methods

    Paper Download

    Andrea Quinting; Sebastian Lins; Jakub Szefer; Ali Sunyaev: Advancing the Adoption of a New Generation of Certifications – A Theoretical Model to Explain the Adoption of Continuous Cloud Service Certification by Certification Authorities

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    Felix Schönhofen; Sixten Schockert: Das Business Model House of Quality: Bewertung plattformbasierter Geschäftsmodelle mit Quality Function Deployment

    Paper Download

    Student Track - Session 4

    13.02.2017, 13:30-15:00, Raum: 01-102

    Session Chair: Markus Weinmann

    João Carlos Maciel: The Core Capabilities of Green Business Process Management - A Literature Review *Best Student Paper Nominee*

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    David Dann; Matthias Hauser; Jannis Hanke: Reconstructing the Giant: Automating the Categorization of Scientific Articles with Deep Learning Techniques *Best Student Paper Nominee*

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    Damian Kogga; Nicole Krawitz; Fatih Cevik; Sven Brandau; Mahei Manhai Li: Design Prinzipien für Microlearning Crowdsourcing-Systeme - Konzept für audiovisuelle Mediengestaltung *Best Student Paper Nominee*

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