There has been a continuously lively debate in the field of (e)learning and knowledge management for the last 25 years by academics and professionals alike. The field has changed substantially over this period and today. Powerful mobile and wearable devices enable employees to receive and share knowledge in any workplace situation and to be constantly connected with their knowledge and learning network. Businesses and organizations are busy to deploy technologies for capturing and making sense of (big) data assets in these social knowledge environments. Thereby, organizations need to find a balance between opening up for facilitating innovation processes and the need to define the knowledge boundaries.
Individual, team and organizational learning and knowledge processes and practices are tied into large-scale knowledge and learning systems. SMEs join networks to cope with the faster innovation cycles and to localize knowledge from global knowledge hubs. Cities are investing in technology to become smart cities, regions ready themselves to tap into the potential of global knowledge creation and many questions arise around how we can sustain knowledge societies that bridge across regional, national or continental boundaries. This track intends to offer a platform for discussing recent advancements concerning learning and knowledge managements from a business, economics, managerial, organizational, social, technological and societal perspective. We encourage submissions of papers employing a conceptual, design or behavioral research approach.
Potential topics
- Business and Learning Analytics
- Connectivity and its Impact on Knowledge Management
- Game-based learning
- Global, Inter-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Aspects of Knowledge Management
- Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Valuation
- Knowledge Capturing, Creation and Sharing
- Knowledge Boundaries, Protection and Risk Management
- Knowledge Management and Social Software
- Large-Scale Knowledge and Learning Systems
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) incl. Business Models
- Mobile Edutainment
- Mobile and Wearable Devices for Knowledge and Learning Management
- Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
- Open Educational Resources
- Skill, Competency and Experience Management
- Smart Cities, Companies, Organizations and Societies
- Social Knowledge Management
- Sustainable Knowledge Societies
- Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Virtual and Augmented Learning
Track Chairs
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann
University of Goettingen, Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier
University of Innsbruck, Dept. of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management
Contact Track Chairs
Associate Editors
Ulrike Baumöl, FernUniversität Hagen
Markus Bick, ESCP Berlin
Freimut Bodendorf , FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Michael H. Breitner, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Hans-Georg Fill, Universität Wien
Kai Fischbach, Universität Bamberg
Martin Gersch, Freie Universität Berlin
Uwe Hoppe, Universität Osnabrück
Nina Kahnwald, Universität Siegen
Miriam Minor, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main
Jan Pawlowski, University of Applied Sciences Ruhr-West
Ulrich Remus, Universität Innsbruck
Christoph Rensind, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Eric Schoop, Technische Universität Dresden
Stephan Smolnik, FernUniversität Hagen
Matthias Söllner, Universities of St.Gallen and Kassel
Stefan Thalmann, Universität Innsbruck
Klaus Tochtermann, Universität Kiel