With the ambient availability of information technologies new challenges and opportunities for information systems research specifically on the individual level of the user are rising.
The track “User-Centered Information Systems” (UIS) emphasizes research with focus on understanding and designing the interaction of users with digital artefacts. In particular, we are interested in research investigating the IS lifecycle from a holistic viewpoint covering development and management aspects following the “user, use & utility”-paradigm.
We welcome submissions of any methodological foundation that theoretically and practically contribute to the advanced understanding and design of user-centered information systems.
Potential topics
- Business Models and Value Chains for NIS
- Development/Modelling of UCS
- User Interface Design for UCS and Designing for User Experiences
- Value-oriented Design of UCS (e.g. Privacy)
- Adoption, Use and Diffusion of NIS
- Data-driven Solutions for UCS
- Hedonic UCS
- Persuasion and Gamification in UCS
- Impact of NIS to Users and Customers
Track chairs
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess
LMU Munich, Institute for Information Systems and New Media
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM), Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI)
Contact Track Chairs
Associate Editors
Jörg Claussen, LMU München
Michel Clement, Universität Hamburg
Armin Heinzl, Universität Mannheim
Hartmut Hoehle, University of Arkansas
Alexander Ilic, ITEM, Universität St.Gallen
Anthony Jameson, DFKI
Johann Kranz , Universität Göttingen
Karl Lang, CUNY
Christiane Lehrer, Universität St.Gallen
Christian Matt, LMU München
Stefan Morana, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology / Institute of Information Systems and Marketing
Benjamin Müller, Universität of Groningen
Michael Räckers, ERCIS - WWU Münster
Rene Riedl, JKU Linz
Susanne Robra, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hannes Schlieter, TU Dresden
Stefan Stieglitz, Duisburg
Verena Tiefenbeck, ETH Zürich/ Universität Bonn